INDIBA (Active Cell Therapy)

INDIBA Active Cell Therapy
Indiba is the preferred rehabilitation choice by elite athletes, pro sports clubs, Olympic teams, medical doctors, and healthcare professionals
INDIBA Active Rehabilitation
The use of INDIBA Active improves recovery and reduces pain. The body’s natural healing process will be accelerated in the injured cells. It can be applied to the acute phase reducing pain and swelling as well as to the chronic phase improving function with the better range of joint motion. Our clinical experience has found that
mechanical low back pain, tension type and cervicogenic headache and frozen shoulder surprisingly work well with INDIBA Active (Hyperthermia).

INDIBA Technology
The latest scientific research in the field of molecular biology has demonstrated significant “Frequency Dependent” benefits within our denoted 448 kHz range. The integration of two operational modes, CAP and RES, as well as the use of low and high output power, makes it possible to obtain the thermal (electric) and thermal effects.
INDIBA Active Sports Performance
With short rest periods in between competition, recovery is vitally important. By using INDIBA Activeyou can increase tissue temperature which lasts well beyond the treatment time (Kumaran & Watson 2018, Kumaran et al 2017).
This may help rapid recovery and improve sports performance.
Some of the indications for use:
• Muscle tears • Sprains/Strains •Tendinopathy
• Pre/post sports massage • Pre/post static and active stretching
• Reduce pain and DOMS • Hematoma

INDIBA Active Sports Injury
Due to INDIBA’s superb capability in the fast cell recovery, most of the teams in the Premier League, La Liga, Serie A Bundesliga, and many of European pro soccer clubs, pro tennis players, pro cycling teams are offering INDIBA hyperthermia to their elite athletes.
Indiba also has been to the Olympics supporting Olympians from around the world to:
• Reduce pain • Reduce swelling
• Acceleration of recovery • Improve range of motion
• Improve performance
INDIBA Active Wellness/Aesthetics
By treating the body with INDIBA radio frequency therapy, muscle and skin tone is improved through improving circulation and prompting the synthesis of collagen and elastin. INDIBA Active Cell Therapy also:
Causes adipocytes to stop reducing fat deposits for good
Accelerates healing, reduce swelling and bruising to help the correct healing process.
Used to increase the blood flow over the legs be integrated with chiropractic therapy and body posture correction exercises (Dr. Sato Exercise) to improve the lymphatic drainage, to break the cellulite, and to contour body line
Improves skin: scarring, sagging skin and skin firming
Helps the treatment of the localized adipocytes: abdomen, legs, breast
Decreases cellulite: edematous, fibrotic, adipose